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How To Handle Relationships That No Longer Serve You

I decided to tackle this topic mostly because not only have I been experiencing this more lately, but also just about everyone I know. 


Over the past few years, a lot of us have changed. Some of us have really been focused on how to really be an authentic version of ourselves and to honor that 100 % of the time.


I've seen this with myself, my clients, and my friends.


I believe the climate of the world around us really has awakened us, made us hop off the hamster wheel of life, and paused for a moment. I mean, we were kinda forced to. Which I believe was a good thing!


The question that has come up is, what the heck am I doing? Why am I doing it? How does this serve me? This is nuts!


A Lot of us have discovered that we are doing things that are not true to us at our deepest level, not aligned with our values at all. 


A lot of us spend almost all of our time, our most valuable asset, doing things that don’t light us up inside or...

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