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mindset self improvement Jan 02, 2021
Do You Believe You Set Your Own Limitations?
Whatever your personal limitations are.
Whether it's your age, your money situation, where you live, the state of the economy, or health.
Do you believe you have control over these limitations or do you believe you're a victim of them?
Some of you might get angry about this comment but you do have control.
The truth is that we set our own limitations. If we believe that limitation to be true then it will be. If however, we can look at the limitation we perceive to be there and find a way to disprove it, create a new belief, and live by that new belief, we can create better life circumstances for ourselves.
The first step is to accept that you absolutely created the reality you live in now.
The most exciting thing is, you can change that reality to reflect something much better.
It's the Open Jar Concept.
If you put a bunch of fleas in a jar that is 5 inches tall and put a lid on that jar the fleas will be trained, over...
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How can you tell if you're balanced?

You would not catch me in a million years on the edge of a cliff like this woman in the picture doing a balance pose....ever! Anyone who knows me knows this is true. However, it is very important to me to try to keep my life and health balanced and to do yoga in the safety of my living room.

How can you tell if you're balanced? This is a good question. I believe no one is ever really completely balanced all the time, this would be hard to sustain. What is really more realistic is trying to stay as balanced as possible to support good health. 

So what does this mean? 

Well, you have all these different areas of your life.

  • Health
  • Physical Activity/Fitness
  • Home Environment
  • Self-Care
  • Relationship
  • Social Life
  • Money
  • Career
  • Education/Self Improvement
  • Spirituality 

We need to pay attention to all of these different areas and when something seems a little off try to bring it back to balance the best you can. It's kinda like riding a bike. You are consistently...

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