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Allow Rest To Gain Clarity, Energy, & Confidence

reset rest self care self love Apr 24, 2023

We all know that we need to allow ourselves to rest in order to put our best version of ourselves into the world but very few of us actually do this.


This is just one of the pressures we put on ourselves, to do, do, do, and then do more. 


We also don’t allow ourselves any time to feel the negative feelings that are just a part of life. 


You see there is this pressure to always be positive, to raise our vibration, to be a bright ray of sunshine in order to attract this same energy into our lives. 


The truth is, it’s not just okay for you to be not okay, but it’s also necessary to be not okay in order for us to process these feelings.


If we mask these feelings, if we push them down and try to hold them there. They will resurface, they are still there, and you can’t positive mantra the shit out of them. 


There is a saying that Wayne Dyer said and I’m sure I’ll screw it up a bit, but here...

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