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Step 10 - Don't focus on perfection in your life, just progress

It is not healthy for us as humans to stand still and to be stagnant. Remember, movement is life. It's human nature to want to learn and grow throughout our entire life and this should never stop. It is your job to feed and nourish this desire and keep your mind and imagination alive. Right now, let's focus on reigniting our desire to learn new things and have fun doing them.

I once watched a Ted Talk where the guy talked about an experiment he did where he tried something new every 30 days.

I thought, that sounds like fun, I’m going to do that!

The first thing I did was start eating plant-based cold turkey! It was an amazing experience and something I had been thinking about for a while. By the way, I’m still plant-based today and it’s been around 12 years! I also coach other people who want to transition over so give me a shout-out if this is you.

Don't worry about being good at something or looking good. Right now, just focus on moving forward, learning something new, and expanding your life experiences. 

You know, having fun!

You never know the positive and fun effect this can have on your life!

Let’s get started>

Action: Make a list of 100 things you always wanted to learn. Then read, investigate and figure out how to do one of those things. Do It! When you're done with that, move onto the next thing on the list. Keep Going.

Tips: Some of these things might be scary and uncomfortable. You might say, "I don't really want to do this." Keep going! Just remember this is the brain's way of trying to protect you and keep you in a safe and familiar place, sometimes we need to override that. Ask yourself "Is this a feeling of terror or is it just fear of the unknown." If you're just nervous, move forward and remember that on the other side of fear and discomfort is where the magic happens!

Affirmation: I have the courage to do anything I want. Nothing will hold me back from living my dreams. I am strong, independent, and courageous. My fears will not stand in the way of my goals.

Xo, T

P.S.I want to hear all about what your first new thing you're going to try out is, send me a message or email and share!



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