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Today's Thought - What Are Your Limitations?

What Do You Think Your Limitations Are?

 So as you begin to dream bigger and set big goals what does the voice say in your head?

 What do you think might be blocking you, stopping you from having everything you dream of?

 At the moment you write down that big dream, what pops up in your head? Pay attention because a lot of the time, we are so used to this negative voice in our head, we don’t even notice it.

 When working with people and when I’m working on my dreams we will often think, I have a block. 

 What is my block? Why can’t I figure it out? Why can’t I get there?

 Well over time I learned it's hiding right there in your head, you just have to pay attention.

 So the next time you're working on something or writing out your goals and desires in the morning, stop for a moment and listen.

 What is that voice saying? Some people call it the ego, and some have a name for it. Negative Nancy, Debbie Downer, Party...

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