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How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

So, you’re feeling stuck. We all end up here at different times in our lives and sometimes it can be brief but sometimes, it can feel like forever!

Now, there are two ways you might feel. One might be that you are completely discontent, uninspired, in need of a change but you're not sure what. The other is you’re comfortable where you’re at and it feels pretty good, but you feel something new brewing. You don’t know what it is, but you feel it coming and you’re not sure how to move forward to stir up the change needed. 

Whatever camp you're in, it can be very frustrating when you just don’t know what to do to move forward. When we are in our comfort zone but at the same time know that a change is needed in order for us to grow and expand, it can feel overwhelming. Anything new can seem so far-fetched or it can seem like an enormous amount of work and both of these situations can make you become frozen in...

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